History of the Church

Grace Episcopal Church is the largest rural Episcopal Church in the State of Virginia.  It was the first church built in Kilmarnock and was consecrated by Bishop Johns in 1852.  At that time, Grace Church, Historic Christ Church, St. Mary's Whitechapel, and Trinity Church were all served by a single rector.  In 1973, Grace Church was given independence and oversight of Historic Christ Church and the other two congregations were able to call their own rector.  Today, Grace Church maintains its ties with Historic Christ Church and continues to celebrate Holy Eucharist there at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings in the summer. 

The original Grace Church was built in 1950.  Six years later, estate funds were received for renovating the church.  The 1852 church, which is the present-day Grace Chapel, was moved and a walkway was built to connect the two spaces.  Bishop Goodwin conducted the service of consecrating the new church in 1959.  Growing numbers and the need for more space resulted in a further renovation of Grace Church in the mid-1980s which was consecrated in 1988 by Bishop Lee.

The year 2002 saw expansion and renovations that resulted in a new, larger choir room; an expanded chancel area; a family gathering room; more functional office spaces; and an office workroom.

Today, Grace Church is a unique blend of past and present, a place where the Family of Grace's time, talent and treasure join the offerings of those who have gone before.

Vestry 2023 Mission Statement

Proclaim the Word, Spread the Word, Be the Word.

The Vestry is a group of elected lay members of the church who serve as the governing body. They manage affairs of the church, including governance of finances, policies, and procedures. Grace Church has a twelve member Vestry, with a rotation of four members off and on each year. Members are elected by the parish at the Annual Meeting in December and serve a three year term which begins the following January.

The head of the Vestry is the Rector of the church. The Vestry elects wardens and officers each year. The Senior Warden is the senior lay member of the Vestry, who oversees the work of the church and serves as a consultant to the Rector. The Junior Warden is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of all church buildings and grounds. Officers consist of a Register, who functions as the secretary and official signature of the Vestry, and the Treasurer, who administers all church finances.

The Vestry meets on the third Tuesday of the month. Highlights of this meeting are noted in the monthly newsletter, "Times of Grace" and meeting minutes are posted on the vestry bulletin board in Grace House.

Grace Vestry Members



Jeff Irby and Lucy Hooper


Jamie Stalnaker

Senior Warden

Martha Gilbert

Junior Warden

Doug Biedenweg

Class of 2024

Doug Biedenweg

Lucy Hooper

Eddy Whichard

Martha Gilbert

Class of 2025

Terri Dort

Bolling Williamson

Pauline Sulick

Thomas Gibson

Class of 2026

David Charlton

Robert Lucas

Laura Frank Sale

Kathy Spangler